
How To Create A Dark Background For Video

Currently I am working on a cute pinkish rose bud painting in watercolor. When I was planning the painting I played around with it in Photoshop to see how information technology would look with a nighttime background. And I immediately loved it. I often use Photoshop to see the possibilities in the composition, to emphasize the colours when needed or to cutting the painting etc.

This post volition exist a costless watercolor lesson on creating a beautiful dark background to back up a rose.

Hither is a photo of the rose with all the same the white of the paper. I won't talk most the colours on the rose in this mail service – I volition do this in a divide post.

work in progress of a pink rose bud in watercolor - rose paintings in watercolor by Doris Joa

Pink Rose Bud painting – watercolor past Doris Joa (piece of work in progress)

I am using 340 Lb watercolor paper from Arches. My technique is virtually moisture on dry – which means moisture paint on dry newspaper. To learn more about this only check this lesson almost Watercolor Technique

The first image shows the pink rose bud in progress. The rose isn't finished yet but I decide always at a special point to start with the background. Because when the background is added I already know that I have to darken colours, to soften edges, to maybe lift some colours on the rose.

Step i – adding a yellow underwash

adding a yellow underwash to create dark backgrounds on rose paintings by Doris Joa

Art-Photo 1: Pink Rose Bud painting with first yellow underwash – watercolor past Doris Joa (piece of work in progress)

On the white background I added a wash of yellow. I used Aureolin Modern (a transparent yellow). I beloved this make clean yellow. Let it dry out.

Why do I add together at first a yellow underwash?

When creating my backgrund I desire to take a very rich coloured background. I also want that at some points the yellow shines through my next layers of colours, which will also be transparent colours. This adds more depth to the painting. For this painting I don't like a plein dark background. I desire the feeling that at that place is more than in the groundwork  – some atmosphere. And the get-go yellow underwash helps me to accomplish this.

In the next photo yous can run across that I added a first dark wash over the yellow underwash.

I used the post-obit colours:

  • Anthraquinoid Red
  • Winsor Green (blue shade) OR Phthalo Light-green
  • Sap Green mixed with the colours above or use it lonely in some areas
  • Indigo

Indigo is a very dark and rich deep blue colour. So if you use this dark blue over the yellow underwash y'all know what will happen, right? Information technology creates a dark greenish colour. Every bit I want to take a very night background this works perfect.

For a beautiful blackness yous tin can mix Anthraquinoid Blood-red with Winsor Green. You besides can add some blue to this mix. If you vary these mixes y'all tin decide if you want to have your dark color warmer (using more ruby) or libation (using more blue or light-green).

how to create beautiful dark backgrounds in watercolor

Art-Photo 2: Pink Rose Bud painting with showtime yellow underwash – watercolor by Doris Joa (work in progress)

Let this wash dry completely earlier y'all add together another layer of color.

In the adjacent photo you can run into another launder of the same colours used every bit earlier. The painting is notwithstanding moisture and it needs to dry.

How to create a beautiful dark background in watercolor - free watercolor lesson

Art-Photo 3: Pinkish Rose Bud painting with start xanthous underwash – watercolor by Doris Joa (work in progress)

Is there an culling?

Aye, there is. If y'all don't like to piece of work in this way you besides can apply your colours equally you go and permit them mix on the paper. Simply then make certain that you add a lot of xanthous, likewise some sap green and also your dark mix. If at that place are areas which are too dark you always can get warmth and lighter areas back when yous add cadmium yellow lite. This is an opaque colour. Opaque colours sit on the newspaper and if these washes are not likewise potent the underlayers will evidence through. This means you lot take also a wonderful effect in your background.

Pink Rose Bud with raindrops in watercolor by Doris Joa

Art-Photo 4: Pink Rose Bud painting in watercolor – finished painting past Doris Joa

Complimentary Video lesson on how to create cute night backgrounds

I fabricated a short video and showed on a piece of paper how I did the background on my new watercolor painting. Enjoy!

How To Create A Dark Background For Video,


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